Sabtu, 05 Juli 2014


Sometimes in study English, we still confuse about some words which has similar meaning. While the dictionary just explained us the surface meaning of those words without any explanation about the usage. But don't worry guys, this video will help to differentiate certain word which has similar meaning. So Check This Out Guys!!


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If someone doesn't want to say where they got some information from, they can say that a little bird told them.
When someone talks tough but really isn't, they are all bark and no bite.
If someone is as angry as a bear, they are very angry.('Angry as a bear with a sore foot' is also used.)
(USA) Something that is rare as hen's teeth is very rare or non-existent.
An important person in a company or an organisation is a big fish.
If you have a bird's eye view of something, you can see it perfectly clearly.
A person who is brought in to examine something carefully is a fresh pair of eyes.
(UK) When you are bad mouthing, you are saying negative things about someone or something.('Bad-mouth' and 'badmouth' are also used.)


1.    CAN
CAN is used to :
      Æ to show someone’s ability, for example :
                        F I can speak three foreign languages.
                        F He can swim.
                        F She can dance well.
                        F We can speak and write in English.

      Æ to show a request, for example :
                        F Can you open the windows?
                        F Can you do me a favour?
                        F Can you help me?

      Æ to show asking for and giving permission, for example :
            q Asking for permission
                        F Can I go home now?
                        F Can I use your dictionary?
                        F Can I borrow your bicycle?
            q Giving permission
                        F You can go home now.
                        F You can use my dictionary.
                        F You can borrow my bicycle.

      Æ to show a possibility, for example :
                        F He can be a good programmer in the future.
                        F Raul Gonzales can be a good football coach in the future.
      Æ to show an offering to someone, for example :
                        FCan  I help you?”
                                       “No, thank you”
                        FCan  I get you some tea?”
                                       “Yes, thank you”


These are some common expression that you can use for asking opinion or responding it. Check this out!! 

- Have you got any comments on …..
- Do you have any idea?
- Do you have any opinion on ……
- Would you give me your opinion on….?
- What is your reaction to ……?
- What is your opinion about……….?
- What are you feeling about………….?
- What are your views on……….?
- Please give me your opinion about…?
- I personally believe …..
- I personally consider ….
- I personally think /feel ….
- I hold the opinion ….
- My own view of the matter is ……
- Well, personally …….
- I
f I had my view, I would …..
- What about…….?
- What do you think about (of)………?
- What is your opinion?
- How was the …?
- How do you think of my idea?
- How do you feel about this…?

- I think I like it.
- I don’t care for it.
- I think its good/nice/terrific……..
- I think that awful/not nice/terrible…..
- I don’t think much of it.
- I think that……..
- In my opinion, I would rather……….
- In my case …..
- What I’m more concerned with ….
- What I have in my mind is………
- The way I see is that…………
- No everyone will agree with me, but ….
- To my mind …..
- From my point of view ….
- If you ask me, I feel ….
- Absolutely ………


GUYS, What will you do in your birthday? Or what will you do in the special moments in your life? Making Party? Hang out with your friends? spending your time with your family? I believe that almost all of you have your own way to spend your special moment. However, may be some of you still feel difficult to invite your someone special to share those moment with you?

DON'T WORRY GUYS, because now I will share some expression which will help you to make an invitation, to except it and to decline it. Here are all about invitation that may useful for you. Check this out.

1.      Expressions in giving and responding to invitation in formal situation.

Making in vitiation
Accepting invitation
Declining invitation

Would you like to…?
I would very happy if…?
We would be delighted if you…?
Would you care to..?
We would be pleased if you could…?
 Would you care to…?

That’s very kind of you
We’d like very much to….
What a delightful idea
With the greatest pleasure
Thank you very much for inviting me
It’s delightful to….

I’m very sorry, I don’t..
I’d love to, but …
I wish I could but..
 I’d like to, but ….
 I’m afraid I’ve..
I already promised….
Thank you for asking me but ….
Unfortunately, I can’t….